Basic types

class cardsource.cards.Card(value)

Represents a single playing card

A Card object supports a number of operations.

When compared to another card, a card is greater than another card if the rank (A, 7, 2) is higher than the other card’s rank. Suits are not considered. Jokers are higher than any card. For equivalence, both suit and rank must be equal for the objects to be equal.

class cardsource.hand.Hand

Represents a playing card game hand containing instances of cardsource.cards.Card

A Hand is an iterable Python object that supports being added to other hands as well as other common iterable operations. Hands are not directly comparable but this is common in subclasses of Hand.


Adds a Card to the hand

This class can be overridden in subclasses to ensure that the correct type of cards are added to the hand. Hands should not contain both instances of Card and subclasses of Card.

Parameters:card (cardsource.cards.Card) – the card to add

Removes all cards from the hand


Returns the number of instances of the specified card

Parameters:card (cardsource.cards.Card) – the card to search for
Return type:int
Returns:the number of instances of the specified card

Extends hand by appending cards from another hand

Parameters:card (cardsource.hand.Hand) – the hand to append to this hand
class cardsource.deck.Deck(numjokers=0)

Represents a playing card deck optionally with jokers. Each member is an instance of cardsource.cards.Card.

A Deck is an iterable object that supports a number of standard Python operations like indexing, iteration and slicing.


Put a card on the top of the deck

Parameters:card (cardsource.cards.Card) – the card to add

Put a card on the bottom of the deck

Parameters:card (cardsource.cards.Card) – the card to add

Remove all cards in the deck


Removes and returns the top card in the deck

Raises:IndexError if the deck is empty
Returns:the top card in the deck
Return type:cardsource.cards.Card

Shuffle the deck

Uses random.shuffle


exception cardsource.errors.CardSourceError

All cardsource errors are instances of or derive from this exception